Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fuerte Garden Week 1

Fuerte Avocado
I got all of the grass and weeds out of the garden this past week. It took awhile because I pulled them all out by hand. This was to try to get as much of the roots out as possible since I'll be reusing the soil I take out of here. This area has been watered with the sprinkler on the same schedule as the lawn so at least the soil wasn't as hard as a rock.

Dirt Screening Area

With that done it's still not time to start digging out the soil. I haven't used the area where the soil will be screened for 6 or 8 months so the dichondra has taken over much of that area. This will have to be weeded by hand also or else as I'm moving the dirt around here I would just be adding that dichondra to my screened soil.
Once this area is cleared out I'll be ready to start digging.

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