Thursday, April 26, 2007
Too Much Spinach
This bed of Spinach (Reddy Hybrid) has gone nuts and is way more than I can ever use. This is the third variety of Spinach that I have tried, the others being Bloomsdale and Correnta.
Those two varieties I like for both salads and stir fry. Reddy Hybrid has a much thinner leaf which doesn't do quite as well in a stir fry. In a salad by itself I just don't think there is enough taste there for me.
Will I discard this variety? No. I will be picking some leaves later today to use in sandwiches. They work quite well there. I will chop a bunch down later this week to use in a stir fry with other vegetables over a bed of either rice or pasta.
Reddy Hybrid is a variety of Spinach that I think is better used as a mixture. The green leafs with red stems and veins are beautiful. I used it with Romain (Vivian) and those two together were perfect.
I also have some seeds of a Micro Greens Mix and 2 different packets of Mesclum Mixes started and I think that what I like out of those mixtures I'll add Reddy Hybrid to it.
Another reason this Spinach has to be cut down is because this garden also contains 1 Snow Peas ( Melting Sugar), and six Cilantro (Santo). The Cilantro is important to me because I pick some every evening to use fresh with my diner. I love Cilantro. The Cilantro is planted around the Pear tree (Bartlett) and is being crowded way to much by the Spinach.
Labels: Bartlett, Bloomsdale, Correnta, Melting Sugar, Mesclum, Micro Green, Pear, Reddy Hybrid, Romain, Santo, Spinach, Vivian
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