Friday, April 20, 2007


Corn / Bodacious
OK. Right off the start I will admit that there is nothing impressive about the Corn (Bodacious) in this garden but it is something new for me. You would however have to plant it on the name alone.
I love corn on the cob but have never had enough space available to grow it. My brother gave me a boat load of seeds for Christmas and the only ones I rolled my eyes at while looking at the packets were two varieties of corn. It just wasn't in my game plan.
Well I decided I would sacrifice some room and plant corn. This garden is a circle on a 6ft center. I managed to get 18 plants in here which is closer than the recommend spacing, but that's what I have.
The other corn variety is a white Corn (Sugar Pearl), which I plan to plant in 4 to 6 weeks in another garden of the same size.
So for right now it's go Bodacious!
The garden was planted and photos taken on March 28.

Corn / BodaciousYou need to click on the photo to
be able to see that there really
is Corn here.

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